Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sipadan Diving cum Wedding adventure

This was a unique trip as the 9 divers have planned this trip exactly one year ago and they booked the dive packages through G.O.D. during MIDE 2009. It was a very special trip for Mervyn as he had planned his engagement proposal a long time ago and would need me to assist in doing the proposal underwater. It was to be a surprise to Joanne, his future bride. What I kept asking was " what if she rejects ? " Mervyn assured me his charm will win the day. The day was also to be threaten by tales of typhoons in the Philippines which will definitely affect the visibility of the water and the planned invasion of Malaysia with the first point of attack being Tawau. However, nothing was going to deter us, not when we cannot cancel the holiday without suffering financial losses.

We all met at 5am on the morning of the 7th October at LCCT and made it to the Kapalai~SipadanWater Village at around 1.45pm . The weather was cloudy and remained this way throughout our stay except for a sunny Friday. Little did we know we will experience thunderstorms that will shake the foundations of our water chalets and strong hallowing winds. We had our first orientation dive at 3.08 pm ( this was the secret engagement dive ) and the 10 of us descended into Mandarin Valley, the house reef of Kapalai Village. Visibility was poor at 3 meters and those with cameras were having difficulty locating the couple. After ten minutes of diving around wrecks, the dive guide settled us on sandy bottom, the signal for Robert and Grace to unfold a banner “ Jo, would you marry me, Mervyn”. Joanne was shocked ( lucky she didn’t float up ) and Mervyn proceeded to bring out a large diamond ring and placed it into Joanne’s finger. I was the only videographer and had to swim in all directions to capture the scene amongst sandy particles and the glare of the diamond ring. I almost lost my buddy, Jess, who was still trying to get to terms with her buoyancy. All went well and went we surfaced, Joanne was presented with bouquet of flowers from the proud parents of Mervyn . This was the only35 minutes dive that I was not aware of the fishes in the ocean. I was told that several Oriental sweetlips, 3 groupers, a school of bat fishes and butterfishes, probably sent by Neptune, witnessed this magical moment.

Some of us did the dusk dive and witnessed mandarin fishes doing their mating dances hinting to Mervyn and Joanne.

The night was a stormy affair with strong winds and heavy rain. Most of us did not sleep well and I could have sworn seeing a fish flying through my room. My roommate was Leong, who slept through the night enjoying the breeze from the open sea. Half of our group had to wake up early for the 4 dives in Sipadan Island as the remaining half were only scheduled to dive Sipadan the following day. Sadly, Mervyn and Joanne had to dive separately as the Sipadan permits could not be changed. Luckily, I bought an extra camera with underwater housing and Mervyn enjoyed his novice underwater experiences. We all enjoyed our dives in Sipadan as we witnessed the barracudas and jacks performing the vortex. I too saw a large school of reef sharks at Barracuda point and this time, the turtles appeared more inquisitive as they swam in amongst the divers.

Other days we dived in Siamil Island and the nearby Mabul Island. During surface intervals, most of the guys posted with Robert and Grace for their wedding photos. This adventurous couple did all sorts of stunts in their wedding costumes including free dives. Needless to say, they too were very satisfied as they have great friends who have sacrificed their time to be with them. Truly I have not seen such a good bunch of friends and for them to welcome crazy me into their group was indeed the satisfaction of me setting up G.O.D. As for Dunstan, he was a true ambassador of G.O.D. and he went round to almost every table promoting G.O.D. I soon realized that most people have no groups to dive with and they do need agencies like G.O.D. to give them better options and company.

After one calm night, the next night was scary. It was the day that the Indonesian to be lead by some moron was to invade and capture Tawau. We thought he must have hired a submarine and battleship and bombarded our chalets. The chalets were shaking and swaying BUT not from the attack that never materialized but from the strong winds and rain. This time, I could have sworn seeing a whale shark passing through my room.

We all departed at 1.30pm on 10th October and whole group except Mervyn’s parents and me stayed on to defend Tawau from falling into wrong hands. I had to go back to reality.

My next dive trip will again be in Sipadan during X’Mas and I planned to dive in full Santa Claus costume. I imagine sledding thru the water with bumpheads as my reindeers and a group of Mantas following behind. Join us for more fun and adventure.

Monday, August 31, 2009

One Bullshit Malaysia

Our PM, Najib, the son of the 2nd PM of Malaysia is still harping about his OneMalaysia concept that basically equates all the different races of Malaysia as One with of course, the Malay or Bumiputra race at the top with special privileges but not as much as before. Will this work ?

I say..BULLSHIT. Yes, just a bullshit concept that wasted a lot of advertisement money as it will not work unless there are complete changes in the whole political, religious and economic scenarios.

By changes, I mean:

1.0 Disband all political parties under racial and religious lines. NO UMNO, MCA, MIC
and PAS.
Only multi racial parties are allowed.

2.0 Change the constitution that allows all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be
Heads of states and even the PM of the country

3.0 Discontinue with the Bumiputra concept as all Malaysians are rightful children of the

4.0 Allow more freedom of speeches and expressions but not along racial or religious lines
that can cause disharmony.

5.0 Revamp the Police, judiciary and legislative system so that opposition are not unfairly

It is a far fetched dream that any of the above will be done in my lifetime as the UMNO
government is not genuine to see the well being of all races taken care of but just their own.

So Merdeka means nothing to me. We have just achieved independence from the British but enslave by the UMNO corrupted crooks that viewed themselves as Lords of the Land.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whale sharks in Tenggol island, Malaysia

If the Whale sharks continue to camp in the Malaysian waters off Tenggol island , Malaysia will soon become THE place to dive with the majestic whalesharks.

I couldn't resist as I find these animals so fascinating and I went there with my buddy and partner in crime, Noor Hadi. Although I must have seen at least 30 whale sharks in the last 3 years ( mainly snokelling in Donsol ), but diving with whale sharks is still one helluva experience. You just do not know when or where they will appear.

We decided to do a budget trip and went there by bus on Thursday night. It was a 40 seater bus ( all tickets on Executive or Luxury liner /buses were sold out ) and we reached at 5 am. Killing 3.5 hrs wondering the street of Dungun can be no fun as even small hotels were full.

The first day we did 3 dives and 2 were in areas that the whale sharks have frequent. On the third dive at Gua Rajawali, our group of around 8 ( 6 were divers from UKM~ fun people ) saw the whale shark except me as I had wondered off further out from the reef. It was a small whale shark and there are good photographs and video of Hadi avoiding being slapped by the shark.

The next day we did a 3rd dive at Gua Rajawali again and this time we went into the water at around 5.30pm. There were 12 divers and I dived with a fellow called Chan who is doing his Masters in UKM. We swan ahead of the rest as they were taking a long time getting into the water. It was just a simple dive. Just dive parallel to the reef about 50 meters away .

Chan swam just above me at around the 10 meters depth mark and we swam for some 25 minutes in blue water ( visibility was just 5 meters ) seeing nothing but plankton. It can really be a real strain on the eyes as you see black shadow in the water and you think its a shark. Chan then signaled to me that he has had enough and wanted to surface because of a headache. I decided to surface with him and as the area that we were diving had a lot of boats, I deployed my safety sausage. I struggled with the release clip of the sausage for awhile and finally inflated the sausage. As I swam upwards towards Chan, I realized that I had dropped my camera with the attached HDI Video light that weighs like a ton. As the camera would sink, I decided to give the sausage to Chan and asked him to go up whilst I go down and search for my camera.

I prayed that the depth was not too deep and with 100 bars of air, I ventured downwards in almost pitched darkness. After a few kicks, I saw the bottom and it was a flat garden of soft corals. The depth was just 25 meters. After just a few seconds of search, I saw my camera. I picked it up and slowly ascend. As visibility was getting bad, I switched on my video light and sang the song "you light up my life" ( just kidding, actually I was beginning to feel a little nervous ). Then it all happened!!!!

I saw a one 0.75 meters length cobia ( a species that always seem to be the tour guide of Mantas and whale sharks ), then another and as I turned left, I saw the eyeball of the whaleshark. Honestly, the whaleshark appeared right in front of me and I think it must be the light that had attached it or my body odour. I immediately switched on my camera and happily videoed it for the next 2 minutes. The shark seem so curious and I could see its eye focusing on me wondering what sort of strange creature I am . I swam right in front of it twice to shot the video of its mouth and face with all the cobias and remoras and we were avoiding each other from near fatal collision. Then all of a sudden, my camera powered off. I thought it must be the battery. Not now!! the whale shark is still there. I turned it on again and then cursed myself. I forgot to turned on the video button and had actually not recorded the whale shark the whole time. Shit!!

I turned it on and whispered to the whaleshark ..."please stay for more video shots". It did. I then took the video that I have attached for you all to see on www.youtube.com/redwhaleshark .

The shark this time was swimming a little faster and I had some difficulty keeping up with it and after 2 minutes decided to let him go as it was no point chasing him.

It was an experience that I will never forget and the constant thought that my first sight was the eyes of the whaleshark still sent a little tinkering thru my body.

I saw a few videos taken of the sharks during my weekend stay at Tenggol and ahem...none was as lengthy as mine ( all just say..your shark swam slow lah....blah blah blah ) and from the markings at the side of the sharks, I must say that there are definitely more than 5 different sharks in and around Tenggol now ( 2 babies and 3 medium to large sharks ). This has never happened before and one day, Malaysia may become famous for the whale sharks as Ningaloo reef in Australia.

So guys, you need not go far to dive with whalesharks...sacrifice some time and comfort, stay at Tenggol and see the sharks whilst they are still there. For the sake of some of my friends who are going there soon, I hope they will still be there until mid September....if they are i will go again.

see www.youtube.com/redwhaleshark

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aren't there any good men left ?

I believe that there must be some good men and women left in the Public sector~ be it the Police Force, the government and even in MACC. For a peace of mind, quit now and if you are brave, tell all about the corrupt ways of your colleagues. But fear and repercussion are not easy to overcome.

Let me tell you a true story. There was this honest cop, a high ranking officer that one day, due to his diligence and that of his men, arrested some big gangster bosses in Johor. He found evidences and wanted to press charges. His superiors, being partners with the gangsters immediately ordered this honest cop to withdraw his report and get all the gangster bosses released but he refused. Guess what? The honest cop was charged with some corruption charges and when his lawyer came to defend him, he too was charged with tax fraud. In the meantime, the gangsters continue to enjoy a prosperous life of crime and contribute to the 30% or so yearly increased in crime rate in Maalysia.

This story can be found in the MalaysiaToday website. But then again, you may say that MalaysiaToday talked cock. But you shallow in whole all the bullshit that the Malaysian government says.

Now Najib after his pilgrimage ( not sure whether he went to meet GOD or the Devil ) decided to call for a Royal Commission on the death of poor innocent Teoh Beng Hock. BUT the Royal Commission is only to investigate and report on MACC's procedures on questioning suspects. Hello ??? After some months, they will say that procedures can be subject to abuse blab blab blab and we should be more humane and give the interrogators some time of from question and overtime pay. Hey..what about the witness, suspects or what have you in custody. Ohh..they are not under the purview...so that's another commission's baby.

In the meantime, some junior magistrate will conduct an enquiry or inquest ( little powers are given and this magistrate has his hands tied ) on the death of Teoh. If judges can be influenced by saying Anwar sodomized even a camel, what is there hope that the truth will be told. Don't ordinary Malaysian see that this are all a joke to the Government.

We must take drastic actions. Writing, blogging and speeches are now useless. We must either stone the MACC building or just not pay taxes. If all of us do that, we will cripple the government into submission. They surely cannot arrest all of us , can they ? Some may suffer more but how many can say that they have suffered more than Teoh or his family or his unwed wife or his fatherless child.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Are we going to sit still and wait for another death

Are we going to sit still and wait for another death ?

Teoh Beng Hock was just a 30 year old man aspiring to serve his country one day. He was to be engaged the day before his sudden death to his fiancee that is now 2 months pregnant with his child. Teoh is now dead.

I can only guess and conclude that Teoh definitely did not kill himself and that is what the authorities don't want us to believe. The two heads of MACC, Datuk Ser Ahmad Said Hamdan and Datuk Shukri both claimed that MACC is not responsible as Teoh have been released from questioning. The officers of MACC questioned and probably tormented a person for more than 8 hours until 4 am in the morning and then released him so they as claimed. According to them, Teoh was so tired he decided to take a rest in the settee until he decided to take some fresh air and jump out the window.

Are we to believe them? Teoh was released and as such, no longer MACC responsibility. Show us the release letter . How can MACC not be responsible ? He was killed in their premises for damn sake. The culture of disowning responsibility by Heads of Government departments and from Ministers are common in Malaysia. Until the day they are sacked, they will continue to disown responsibility.

I sense that the people are all getting really angry and frustrated and at worst, they will take to the streets and throw stones at MACC buildings. I say it is about time. After all, MACC only serves as UMNO's agents somewhat like how the SS and Nazis served Hitler.

We must no longer sit still and watched all those who are brave enough to fight for us suffer in vain. We must do our part even though it means we too may suffer the same fate. If we all rise together, what can the Police, Army or whatever that UMNO do against 10 Million people ? Yes, at least 10 Million of us hate this government and this is not a small number. If this happened in Thailand or even Indonesia, the present government would have fallen long ago.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Malaysia future going backwards

The recent announcement by our Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Muhiddin that Science and Mathematics will revert back to native languages from English will set Malaysia back to the Dark Ages. The reason is purely political. To win more votes from the rural folks and the urban Chinese speaking Chinese. Noted that I did not say Urban Malays. I think most would like to see to maintain as an English taught subject.

Their reason given is very shallow like all decisions of the Government. There is negligible improvement when the subjects are taught in English. What happens when after another 6 years after the implementation and there is no improvement. Revert back to English? This ping pong policy of our Government destroy all confidence in most of us on the future of our children.
What the government should have done is to have English language schools or fully sponsored tuition classes to teach English in the rural areas. Get good English teachers from England. There are so many of them willing to work in Malaysia. I should know. I bump into so many of them in Phuket alone. They go there for 2 to 4 years, teach in private schools and enjoy their time diving. We can easily attract them to work in the rural areas of Pahang, Trengganu and Kelantan.

I am just an average Joe in Malaysia and cannot afford to send my children to fancy International schools but have to put them in National schools like most average Malaysians. I speak my Hokkien dialect fairly well but English better as I was educated in Christian Missionary school, La Salle. My children can hardly speak any Hokkien but that does not bother me. What is important is that they learn the languages that will offer them a better success in their future ie English and Mandarin.

I will vote out the silly people who wants to maintain or go backwards on their decision. I will even vote against Anwar Ibrahim. So what he has fought hard against the present Government? Adhoc policies to gain votes is not acceptable. In Malaysia, 70% of the votes from rural constituencies determined the composition of the seats of the government, so pleasing rural folks is more important to stay in power than pleasing the urbanites who fund the government in terms of income taxes.

Tulamben Dive report ~ June 2009

Tulamben Dive Report~ GOD ‘s Inaugural trip 19th to 23rd June 2009

I had the honor of leading GOD’s first trip out of Malaysia to the beautiful island of Bali.

I have done so many trips before but this being my first under GOD, kind of made me more apprehensive and I hope that all will go down well with the group of 7 divers whom I regard as “ The Magnificent Seven”. It was also nearly the two years ago that I first met these 7 divers when I brought them to Bali to Nusa Penida.

We arrived around 1 pm from Malaysia abroad the Malaysian airlines and the immigration was fast and within 10 minutes we were all out of the airport and on the way to Tulamben, some 2 hours away by road. On the way, we stop at a good Nasi Padang shop to fill our stomach. We arrived at Mimpi Resort, Tulamben which is regarded as the best sea front resort in Tulamben at around 5 pm. We all slept early that night in semidetached cottage rooms.

After a 7 am wake up call, we headed for breakfast ( 3 course selection ) and then walked over to the beach facing the most dived sites in Bali, the Liberty Wreck at Tulamben. The Liberty Wreck lie just 30 meters from the beach at depths of 5 meters to 30 meters.

It was a huge cargo ship which was sunk by torpedoes during the WWII and although the damaged vessel was brought back to the shore, a massive Volcano eruption from Gunung Agung in 1963 pushed back the wreck back to the sea to its current position. The wreck is scattered in several large chunks and there are several big holes in the hull where divers can swim through. The wreck is scattered about 100 meters on steeply sloping black sand.

Getting to the wreck is challenging for most of us who are not used to shore dives and walking on black gravel, stones and rocks. The trick is to wade in and don your fins when you are chest high in water. Better leave the regulator in your mouth as I experienced a near death incident because of this. More later.

The first photographic customer we met was the ghost pipefish. There was a pair at just 10 meters depth. Next was just a few bump heads feeding on hard coral. On a given day, you will see hundreds of bump heads as the wreck is their hotel. A school of about 100 jacks circle above the wreck and on approaching the wreck, I could understand why so many varieties of fishes lived or sheltered in the wreck which provides protection and a good breeding home. Nevertheless, a giant barracuda will suddenly dart in to catch unaware prey. I headed to 28 meters depth and to a particular gorgonian where there were 3 pygmy seahorses or Bargibant’s seahorses, Hippo-camous bargibanti waiting to be photographed. Engrossed in photography could catch you unaware with deco time and luckily my early years of “errors “ messages in my dive computer, made me more aware and all of us made it up safely with different stories to tell.

We did the second dive to the right end of our resort at The Coral Wall which plunges to “out of bound “ depth. There is a massive sea fan at the corner and along the slopes are nice colorful soft corals, sponges and a variety of fishes. We caught the glimpse of the rare comet ( Calloplesiops altivelis ), a beautiful fish with elaborate finnage and a false eye.

The last dive of the day was in front of our resort, the Coral garden. At 3 pm , the current was around 1.5 knots and ribbon eels of all ages ( black for young to the yellow for old ) can be easily found. We surfaced about 50 meters before the Liberty wreck, some 500 meters from where we went in. Coming out of the water and walking on slippery stones were no fun.

The second day we again did an early morning Liberty Wreck dive, followed by two dives at Seraya. Seraya is pure macro haven and is Bali’s answer to Lembeh.

We finished the day by doing a fourth dive at Alamanda which I consider the best dive site in the Tulamben area. The site profile was excellent which walls, little mounts, sandy resting areas and beautiful hard and soft corals. Good variety of fishes and nudibranches. This was our only boat dive.

The thing about Tulamben is that almost all the dive sites are shore dives so the right season to go there is important. Avoid the rainy period and period when sea is rough. Entering the water is one thing but getting out with high waves hitting your back and pushing you face down onto stones and rocks can be dangerous. Oh yes. My almost death drowning experience. I went into the water backwards and had just put on my fins and was watching the others coming in when I felt someone pushing me down into the water. I immediately inflated my BCD but in the struggle I could not find my regulator and I turned around underwater and realized that one of the divers was struggling and was climbing on top of me to keep afloat. I search for his inflator hose but there was no air entering his BCD. I managed to push my head out of the water and gasped a few breath of air. The dive guide managed to jump in and pulled the diver back to the shore.

I in the meantime was glad to be breathing and floating on the water with a fully inflated BCD. The diver panicked when he waded into the water and begin to sink when his BCD leaked. The slope steep sharply after just 3 meters from the shore. He also did not have his regulator on. Moral of the story, keep you regulator in your mouth. Less air for diving not important. Better to be safe. That happened on our second last dive and I am glad to say, after regaining his composure, the diver did the last dive on borrowed BCD. If he had skipped that dive, he may not have dived again.

We left the next day as we wanted to spend a relaxing night in Kuta and do some shopping and have some fine food. After dinner, we relaxed over a couple of drinks at Hard Rock Café where there was this 7 person band from Jakarta playing. They are very good and they played both my requested songs, Poker Face by Lady Gaga and Hotel California by The Eagles excellently. They will be coming to Hard Rock in KL in August and September. Catch them.

The next day, we boarded the 1pm flight back to KL.

Hammerhead John’s rating;

**** resort and food

***** divers

*** dive sites. We just didn’t like the shore diving

**** Overall package price

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tubbataha reef- a disappointment

Well, someone forgot to tell all the large pelagic that we are going there.

We arrived at Tubbataha on the morning of 9th May after 12 hours overnight on the Apo Explorer. There were 16 of us, 10 from Malaysia and the other 6 from Singapore. We had very high hopes that this is the area to dive esp after a 45 minutes check out dive at Malayan wreck, my best check out dive todate.

Malayan wreck sits atop the reef at only 5 meters and the same wreck is a home to about 100 bumpheads which were just leaving home when we dived in at 8am. The visibility was around 35 meters with no current. We then swam towards the wall which drops to about 70 meters. Swimming at depths of 36 meters on our first dive was amazing. It is exactly like the Barracuda point at Sipadan minus the school of barracudas. There were sharks all over and it soon became clear to us that the reef is a nursery and kindergarden to reef sharks. Looking out into the blue, we saw only one thing...blue water. No large pelagic was swimming past us. Something amiss, I thought.

The following dives were all mostly similar, wall dives and beautiful reef that were mainly covered with hard corals or sandy bottom. There were few soft corals and hence, not many anemones and macro like nudibranches. We were really disappointed.

As we were using Nitrox most of the time, we were diving very close to our MOD ( maximum operating depth before oxygen turned toxic ) becos of the great visibility ( maybe that is why there is no pelagic...they are camera shy ). I did most of my first day dives with air as i wanted to explore the deep end and went down to 56 meters to see some juvenile barracudas.

Our dive on 9th May was on Full Moon and despite this, there were no current, the sea as calm as a dead woman, and no large pelagic. No Mantas, no rays, no whale sharks, hammerheads, etc etc. The conditions were perfect but no big stuff.

In most of our dives, we could hear dynamite exploding some 50 miles away. It was common to hear 2 to 3 explosions on each dive. Maybe these scare away the big fishes. Unless the filipino government takes some drastic actions, no fishes will dare come into filipino waters.

Tubbataha reef is beautiful and it definitely beats places like the Great Barrier Reef in terms of marine life and there are corals ( many barrel corals ) of enormous sizes. It is definitely a breeding ground for turtles, sharks, Napoleon wrasses, octopus and reef fishes. Maybe it was parent days off when we were there.

The renown washing dive site was also a disappointment. Someone switched off the power and no noticeable current were felt. Imagine..we had brought reef hooks, gloves, mini anchors etc etc.
Some brought down some dirty linen.

We visited the Ranger's station that houses around 10 Rangers that patrol the area to keep out fisherman and pirates . It also double up as a T-shirt sales center.

Our group of 10 Malaysian makes use of the nights drinking away the beer that cost USD1 per can and the two bottles of liquor that we brought. The other 6 Singapore divers kept to themselves mostly except on the last night when they decide to have fun with us.

The manager of the boat, Colin who is a Canadian is great and very attentive to our needs. The crew on board the Apo Explorer who we were told only earns less than RM150 a month, are friendly and good at their work. The Malaysian gang were so taken by the services and each of us gave USD40 to the crew as tips. Sad to say, the Singaporean group only gave a fraction of this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tubbataha "the Africa of diving"

Tubbataha. Never heard of it ? Well, it is described in one dive magazine as" The Africa of Diving"- Wild and Unexplored. And I will be going there this Friday, 8th may 2009.

Where is this place ?? Tubbataha reef is an atoll coral reef located in the Sulu sea of the Philippines. It is a marine sanctuary protected as a National park and is nominated as the New 7 Wonders of Natural World.

The reef is made up of two atolls which are 5 miles apart and in between is a channel that provides passage to all large pelagic and fishes. Wall dives, reef dives, drift dives and "washing machine' dives are all available here. The marine life here is so vivid and diverse that this sanctuary rivals the Great Barrier reef.

Declared a Unesco world heritage site in 1993, Tubbataha can only be visited by Liveaboards that weather only permits entry in March to June each year.

The Magnificent 10 of us will be going and hopefully all 10 returns will fish tales......more soon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thin line between Love and Hate 2

An unpleasant incident compelled me to write on this subject again. After a few drinks last night with PJ's group at Armada, I came home to once again find my neighbour ( 2 doors away ) 's car parked in front of my house ( at the other half, not blocking my gate ). This fellow has 4 cars ( wife and 2 kids ) and they parked their car all outside neighbours house and not inside his own house. He has been doing it for a year now since he moved in. As we all leaved in terraced houses, it can be annoying as I will then have to park my car inside the house's compound which is very troublesome for my wife to move in and out with her car. So I got mad and paste a notice "not to park outside my house ' with my phone no and name. Guess what. He called me up at 7am this morning on his way to work and said I should have gone to his house and settle the matter. Firstly, would he had welcomed me middle of the night or I must wait until he gets back at night. We do not know each other and being hot headed, situation may get out of hand. Over the phone, he says he has the right to park anywhere as the land does not belong to me and he is someone that I should be afraid of. After some shouting on the phone, I cut him off and tried to go back to sleep thinking anticipating a problematic day ahead.

However, I thought i better settle this as my wife was really sore with me and had left home for office early. I sms Zainuddin, the neighbour, and said that he caught me in a bad mood this morning from my hangover and that I want to meet him for breakfast as there should not be bad blood between neighbours. To cut a long story short, he promised not to park in front of my house and I told him that I will park on my side of the house and his small car can still park on the other half. Comprehend?? At the end of all this, we agree that society has made us all cold to each other and we now hardly know our neighbours.

Anyway, if i had not made the attempt to defuse the situation, who knows even a bloodbath may ensure. It is indeed a thin line between love and hate. My wife probably hated me like mad for arguing with the neighbour although she often complains that the neighbour parks their car outside our house. There was one time that he left one of his car there for one complete month without moving it.

The incident above is some which we faced in everyday life. Don't you at times wish you drove a 16 wheel truck and ramp thru all those who drives at snail pace on the fast lane and will not barged despite your continuously flashing of the headlights and then honking.

I told my wife we should have a gathering and invite the neighbours to get to know them. I fully blamed UMNO for making us hostile and cold to each other. In fact, I even blame UMNO when my goldfish dies....

Blogs clean up

My great lawyer fren, Sam tells me that I went beyong sanity and wrote some nasty stuff about politicians in my blog and I'd better clean it up before Najib's gang learn to read. So I took his advice and removed all my political blogs from labelling MCA as running dogs to our new PM...son of Razak. Anyway, I wanted frens to comment on my blogs but I guess they are scared shit in case they are called up to whereever it is now that they make u sit on ice until your balls get frozen then they easily smashed it up.

So I will write nice blogs on subjects that I have passion for like scuba diving, make love to the Ocean...I mean love the Ocean, beautiful ladyboys , my new GOD travel websites and educate someof you on lovely animals of the sea. I will also do some cartoons as I know that some of you are poor readers.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

GOD is here

Recently the word 'GOD' crops up many times in my mind and will now play a more significant role in my life. Have I gone more religious??? Maybe about time. Maybe my time to meet the Maker is round the corner.

Anyway, let me first speak about the first GOD. GOD is the acronym for Great Ocean Divers and that is our new website, www.greatoceandivers.com . My good frens, Hadi, Yaohan, Mark and I are setting the website to go into the dive travel business, training and later offering land and sky adventures. We will offer many great benefits for those who want to be GOD's members like discount rates for diving, lessons, points for future free trips etc. We should be launching our website in middle April.

The second GOD is our maker and also known by so many names that I have lost count. No one knows how many GOD is there. Why only one and not two, three or four ? I often believe that the most important rule to follow is the rule to do good for others....do what you want others to do upon you.

One of my young frens, Hazel suggested I come to church with my family who are honestly neither here nor there with regards to religion. I am to be fully blamed for that. As I was not ready to accept GOD and to follow its rules diligently, I shun from meeting GOD. Religion is a very personal thing. Some become religious because of parents, friends whilst some have religion shafted into their throats. In Malaysia, the later is true. Why must all Malays be Muslims? Sensitive topic that can get one in hot soup. Or a cell in Kamunting with cold soup.

I drop the hint to my wife about the activities in the church for the kids this weekend and she says that similar activities are also carried out in temples. Mmmmm. Dilemma.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I must be mad to fly on Fireflyz again. Last year, I faced the screw up on their changes in the flight schedules and this year it is happening again. Firefirez announched that they are changing the schedules of some of their flights and cancelling some. These people do not care on the welfare of their passengers and are protected by some fuking clauses giving them the right to cancel, change , reschedule flights at their whimps and fancies. Can we as paying passengers do the same ?? If we cannot make it for the flight, we are penalised but the airlines can get away with murder. What a one loped sided world that we lived in.

The problem with flyfirez is that they are run by people of the moronic kind who are not answerable to anyone. They fail and losses money....no problem, government will help. That is their attitute. We dare to fail so we will fail.

Flyfirez is a new airline and the only reason people uses them is the convenience of flying from subang airport as oppose to going miles away to KLIA or LCT. BUT they will soon lose all creditabilty as a reliable airline by constantly changing their flight schedules.

Fly the fly no more.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ladyboys of Phuket Part II-in words

Now for Part II.

I decided to get to know more about these people who have been unkindly created into this world..not knowing at a young age whether to be a boy or a girl. After puberty, most of them decides to be a girl. If they have beautiful features like those in the photographs, they will likely earn enough money to go for an operation to remove the unwanted penis. The rest like breast enlargement and some masculine features can be taken care by hormone tablets.

A breast enlargement will cost about 1K USD which the removal of the penis will be 2-3 times more expensive. Some of my female friends are thinking of breast enlargement after seeing these ladyboys. Mmmm....big breast, small breast....no difference to me actually as long as it doesn't drag on the floor after old age.

From the pictures, I sat and took pictures with about 4-5 ladyboys over the course of 3 nights and I am sure you know who is my favourite. Actually the one that I considered the most beautiful and feminine was not around at that time as she has gone down to Singapore. They can earn as much as Sing2K in one night if they are lucky.

I went out with both Yuna ( Ms Tiffany) and Bow ( Leon's favourite ) to a nearby disco and a bar for some drinks. The 'girls' took me to a Man's bar and it was full of not so desired ladyboys and gays. It was really weird and fightening. There was a show where some ladyboys or rather ladyman performed. It was at a bar near the Royal Paradise hotel in case any of you want to go there to look for ugly ladyman.

The night ended with the two 'girls' wanting to go to my room. I somehow allowed them to and the hotel receptionist gave me the " Dirty old man" look . In the room, the girls were very well behaved and just wanted to use my computers to check on their websites and emails. I must be the most boring person on earth. Anyway, you think I dare tell you what really happen?? Hahaha. Not for the printed media.

Ladyboys of Phuket Part II

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lady boys of Thailand

I decide to blog on more enjoyable topic seeing that there are no comments on my political views because of fear or that I talk cock. So I decide to talk about COCK.

This thing...COCK or Penis can be an envy to many, a disappointment to most and an unwanted gift by some. Let me talkabout the gift that is so unwanted by the ladyboys of Thailand.

I often like to see the beautiful lady boys in Thailand who are even more beautiful than most ladies. I have no sexual fantasies about them...not yet anyway. I would often invite them over for a drink to learn more about this species of human beings...a woman trapped in a man's body.

My recent trip to Phuket for diving with some friends was another eye opener. There was this very beautiful lady boy ( shit...forgot his/her name ) dancing on the table top at Tiger Bar, along Bangla road. I invited her for a drink and discovered that she ( more female now with the breast transplant ) has just had a breast transplant as the scars just above the armpits were still red. I asked her out for drinks with my 4 friends to a nearby bar and she asked me whether I knew that she was not a girl. Her voice was quite feminine and her adam's apple must have been eaten as it was not visible. But her shouders were still broad and she had these long legs that sadly...I haven't seen in any of my female friends. ....mmm...maybe my friends are too short. She agreed and I had to pay a bar fine of 500 baht to take her out. I paid the fine as I was really inquisitive about this person who appears too woman to be a man.

After getting my friends to meet her and to touch her smooth skin which got Ashley, my friend's wife , really amused, we then prepared to move on to a nearby bar to listen to a live band. Ashley had wanted me to take another "Japanese looking lady boy " for her husband. Hence the touching of their skins to compare texture . Mine wins hands down. The Japanese lookalike was rather rough like mine. This Ashley is always trying to tempt her hubby, Leon. What a woman.

The lady boy then asked me whether I liked man. I was of course shocked and I said no. She then wanted to introduced me to another lady boy ( now a girl ) who had a complete sex change. I said no as I wanted to actually discover more about my beautiful new friend ( lets call her...Apple. I cannot remember the name ). Apple then says her time out of the bar is not cheap as she can earn alot of money from the guests wanting to take pictures of and with her. So I asked her how much to compensate her for being my company for a few hours at another bar. She asked for 2000 baht. However, by this time, my friends , after spending a good one hour seeing all the various lady boys of all shape, sizes and color gyrating on the table top decided to call it a night as they had diving the next day. I too reluctantly decided to go off with them as I do not want to walk around Phuket with Apple in my arms.

There will be a sequel to the above.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facts I bet you do not know about Israel and Jews

Ever wonder why USA keep supplying weapons and money to Israel for them to continue their killings in Gaza ?? Here are some interesting facts that I got from Wikipedia that has now enlightened me that Israel's killing and all out war against Hamas in the Gaza strip is justified.

Let us start with Israel.

Many view Israel as a greedy nation that wants all the Land in Palestine.


Actually all the land belongs to Israel in the first place. The Kingdom of Israel existed centuries before Christ was even born and early maps shows the Kingdom of Israel to be bigger than the territories they occupied now. But Israel which were many populated by Jews, the most hated race on Mother Earth or some fuking reason and they were persecuted , killed , hunted and removed from wherever they are found. From the time of the First Crusade to the most recent Holocaust by Adolf Hitler where 6 million Jews were killed just in 3 years ( 1942-1947 ), the Jews never lived peacefully.

So after WWII, United Nations allowed the Jews to have a home ( theirs in the first place ) and Israel became an Independent democratic state on May 14, 1948. At that time, the land was just arid desert but they toiled their way and with financing from US and many European countries, Israel became a powerful nation in just 60 years. In 1948, the Jewish population was just 800,000 but which the mass migration ( they were asked to leave from many parts of Europe esp Russia ) , the population shot up to 2 Million Jews by 1958.

There are now 5.3 Million Jews in Israel which is just more than 5.2 Million Jews in US. There remaining 3 million Jews are in various parts of Europe and even about 300,000 in Iran. Why they remain there(ie in Iran )...I don't know. It is also estimated that without the Holocaust, there will be 200 Million Jews instead of the 13 Million now. That will surely make Mahathair go wild. That moron hates the Jew becos one of them, Soros burn his arsh by outsmarting Malaysia which cost Malaysia to suffer massive forex losses. Hey, without Soros, the idiots in TNB can even loose RM1.3 billion in forex losses and we pay for it by them charging us higher electricity rates. Fukers. BTW, Jews formed 2% of the total population of USA but probably controlled a substantial portion of the Economy. Why even Microsoft Bill is a Jew.

Now let us look at the State of Palestine. This also dates way back in history but after WW1, British controlled areas were passed to the Palestine people which were mainly Arabs kicked out from other Arab areas. Peace existed between Israel and Palestine after some major wars. The Arabs combined forces just could not kicked Israel out. So ceasefire..lah.

Then in 1987, a militant party , HAMAS or Harakat al-Muqawamat al-Islamiyyah or islamic resistance movement were formed. They are mainly Palestinian Sunni Islamic paramilitary organisation. Their charter calls for the complete annihilation and total destruction of the State of Israel and to be replaced with a Palestinian Islamic State. Now who says that religion is not involved. I wonder where in the Holy book ( dare not use the proper name...might be thrown in jail ) says that one must killed and destroy another to create an Islamic State. HAMAS became famous and well liked by militants when they carried senseless suicide bombing of Israeli civilians and UN security forces.

The problem became worst in June 2007 when HAMAS became a political party and won the majority of the Palestinian parliamentary elections and ousted the ruling Fatah Party headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. However, Abbas refused to give in and Abbas outlawed HAMAS. HAMAS won the election by claiming that Abbas was the puppet of US and have received much funding and had enriched himself and let the Palestine's people suffer. When HAMAS won the election, Israel feared that HAMAS will influence the FATAH party to join forces and attack Israel, so Israel imposed an economic blockage on Gaza as HAMAS repeatedly launched rockets into Israel from Gaza. Perhaps you should know that in just a few months , infighting between the FATAH party and HAMAS resulted in many more deaths ( account varies from various sources ) than Israel did in the two weeks of the invasion into Gaza.

So you see, Israel has the right to defend itself. The people of Palestine are to blame. You elect a party that all hell bend to remove Israel...what can you expect?? You live in a glass house and you throw stones at your neighbour who owns a rock quarry...you are only finding problems.

Now, 1.1 Million of the 1.4 Million population in Gaza are dependant on handouts of food from the outside world. The economy are in ruins after 1.5 years of economic sanctions . 80% of the people are living on less than $2 a day. UN, US and most countries are helping BUT the money does not reached the people. There are claims that the FATAH party siphoned out money for themselves whilst other claimed that HAMAS stole money for their arms. So now NGOs in Malaysia ask us to contribute money for the Palestinians. I ask who in Palestine will receive the money ? A wounded child or one who is going to be a suicide bomber ?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My last dive Oct 2008

It is exactly 89 days now since I last dived, give or take another 14 days. As I recalled, my last dive was in Sipadan with some great friends like Hazel , Yao, Mark, Jason and my brother, Peter and not forgetting, my partner and Instructor, Hadi.

Let me tell you about my friends and the diving then.

Hazel is probably the 2nd prettiest unmarried diver that I have dived with ( about 43 others tie for first place ). She is an Institutional shares advisor with CIMB and she has been screaming her heads out "Sell" , "Sell", " Sell"..for the last few months but hardly anyone listens to her. When she dives, sometimes I can hear her screaming in the water....BUT when i asked her, she says she was saying "shell" instead of "sell"....ya right. She wants to buy a dive computer now becos she claims she does not know the depth that she is diving and often scold us for diving too deep. But 50 meters depth is ok.....no??? I told her a depth gauge will also do the trick. Anyone like to sponsor a white mosquitoe for her....not the dengue kind.

Yao is a friend that will often disturb me with fantastic flight offers and we end up booking the whole world and end up burning the tickets because of 'no show'. He is a great businessman and ice cream man and proud owner of NZ ice cream. His name is also unique...Yaohan. His mother gave birth to him whilst shopping in Yaohan supermarket and hence his name.

Mark and Jason are young guns that will attract girls wherever they go. Jason is tall and handsome but already attached to Hazel whilst Mark is very stout and often goes sailing ...and you guys thought I have lots of time.

My younger brother, Peter just returned to diving after some 10 years absence and now truly appreciates diving. When he first dived, all they see are big pelagics and now he knows what is a nudibranch. He earlier thought that there were nudies colonies underwater and hence, he started diving again. Sorry to disappoint u, bra.

Lastly, my true friend, Hadi who has trusted me to run our business. Hadi just loved diving and at the old age of 100, qualified himself as an instructor. Just kidding. He is just as young as me. I wish Hazel would stop calling me "uncle". She use to call me nicer names until she found out my age in my diving liability form that we need to submit everytime we go diving. I keep telling her there is a 20 years differences of my age due to the misprint in my IC .....but she was so heart broken and called me "uncle' since then. Sob sob.

There are many other true friends, all with their unique characters and i will tell u about them in later articles.

About the diving in Sipadan. Next article ok?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Crisis in Middle East- whose fault ??

There have been plenty of calls to boycott everything that is from United States because of indirect involvement of the astrocities in the Middle East ie the senseless killings of innocent children. Will this happen ? Never. the fact that i am using this blog tells you that. Everything in everyday's life in almost connected to America. from the coke that I drown my food in to the usage of the Internet are all connected to America. If you fully boycott everything that is Made in America , you will probably survive in a cave without contact with the outside world.

Now why the call to boycott America. At first, like many of you, we are news and fiqures ( mostly distorted ) about how much America is financing Israel and with the finances, Israel decided to conquer all and grab as much land from Palestine as possible. Hence, their attack on Palestine. BUT is this true ? Most people like our animals in the UMNO Kingdom do not know anything and think that this is a religious war where the Jews are killing innocent Muslims. They do not know that there are a lot of Christians and Muslims in both Israel and Palestine. Without accurate facts, the UMNO idiots and hopefully, not the Pakatan guys will just go down to the American Embassy and shout boycott boycott.

What is the correct story? I have read so many articles and if you believe any of them, you will even think that the World is square.

I often wonder why the good USA will allow so many children to be killed . BUT when you read
www.terrorismawareness.org/what-really-happened/ you will see that Israel is really the underdogs and a race that have been bullied and prosecuted for so many years. Their conclusion is that Arabs are the ones at fault as it dates all the way back to the 17 century. There is also evidence that the Arabs signed a treaty with the infamous Adolf Hitler to eradicate all Jews on earth. They almost succeeded.

See also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OGhj43GAE for the truth about radical Arabs.

Need I say more....