Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Crisis in Middle East- whose fault ??

There have been plenty of calls to boycott everything that is from United States because of indirect involvement of the astrocities in the Middle East ie the senseless killings of innocent children. Will this happen ? Never. the fact that i am using this blog tells you that. Everything in everyday's life in almost connected to America. from the coke that I drown my food in to the usage of the Internet are all connected to America. If you fully boycott everything that is Made in America , you will probably survive in a cave without contact with the outside world.

Now why the call to boycott America. At first, like many of you, we are news and fiqures ( mostly distorted ) about how much America is financing Israel and with the finances, Israel decided to conquer all and grab as much land from Palestine as possible. Hence, their attack on Palestine. BUT is this true ? Most people like our animals in the UMNO Kingdom do not know anything and think that this is a religious war where the Jews are killing innocent Muslims. They do not know that there are a lot of Christians and Muslims in both Israel and Palestine. Without accurate facts, the UMNO idiots and hopefully, not the Pakatan guys will just go down to the American Embassy and shout boycott boycott.

What is the correct story? I have read so many articles and if you believe any of them, you will even think that the World is square.

I often wonder why the good USA will allow so many children to be killed . BUT when you read
www.terrorismawareness.org/what-really-happened/ you will see that Israel is really the underdogs and a race that have been bullied and prosecuted for so many years. Their conclusion is that Arabs are the ones at fault as it dates all the way back to the 17 century. There is also evidence that the Arabs signed a treaty with the infamous Adolf Hitler to eradicate all Jews on earth. They almost succeeded.

See also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OGhj43GAE for the truth about radical Arabs.

Need I say more....

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