Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facts I bet you do not know about Israel and Jews

Ever wonder why USA keep supplying weapons and money to Israel for them to continue their killings in Gaza ?? Here are some interesting facts that I got from Wikipedia that has now enlightened me that Israel's killing and all out war against Hamas in the Gaza strip is justified.

Let us start with Israel.

Many view Israel as a greedy nation that wants all the Land in Palestine.


Actually all the land belongs to Israel in the first place. The Kingdom of Israel existed centuries before Christ was even born and early maps shows the Kingdom of Israel to be bigger than the territories they occupied now. But Israel which were many populated by Jews, the most hated race on Mother Earth or some fuking reason and they were persecuted , killed , hunted and removed from wherever they are found. From the time of the First Crusade to the most recent Holocaust by Adolf Hitler where 6 million Jews were killed just in 3 years ( 1942-1947 ), the Jews never lived peacefully.

So after WWII, United Nations allowed the Jews to have a home ( theirs in the first place ) and Israel became an Independent democratic state on May 14, 1948. At that time, the land was just arid desert but they toiled their way and with financing from US and many European countries, Israel became a powerful nation in just 60 years. In 1948, the Jewish population was just 800,000 but which the mass migration ( they were asked to leave from many parts of Europe esp Russia ) , the population shot up to 2 Million Jews by 1958.

There are now 5.3 Million Jews in Israel which is just more than 5.2 Million Jews in US. There remaining 3 million Jews are in various parts of Europe and even about 300,000 in Iran. Why they remain there(ie in Iran )...I don't know. It is also estimated that without the Holocaust, there will be 200 Million Jews instead of the 13 Million now. That will surely make Mahathair go wild. That moron hates the Jew becos one of them, Soros burn his arsh by outsmarting Malaysia which cost Malaysia to suffer massive forex losses. Hey, without Soros, the idiots in TNB can even loose RM1.3 billion in forex losses and we pay for it by them charging us higher electricity rates. Fukers. BTW, Jews formed 2% of the total population of USA but probably controlled a substantial portion of the Economy. Why even Microsoft Bill is a Jew.

Now let us look at the State of Palestine. This also dates way back in history but after WW1, British controlled areas were passed to the Palestine people which were mainly Arabs kicked out from other Arab areas. Peace existed between Israel and Palestine after some major wars. The Arabs combined forces just could not kicked Israel out. So ceasefire..lah.

Then in 1987, a militant party , HAMAS or Harakat al-Muqawamat al-Islamiyyah or islamic resistance movement were formed. They are mainly Palestinian Sunni Islamic paramilitary organisation. Their charter calls for the complete annihilation and total destruction of the State of Israel and to be replaced with a Palestinian Islamic State. Now who says that religion is not involved. I wonder where in the Holy book ( dare not use the proper name...might be thrown in jail ) says that one must killed and destroy another to create an Islamic State. HAMAS became famous and well liked by militants when they carried senseless suicide bombing of Israeli civilians and UN security forces.

The problem became worst in June 2007 when HAMAS became a political party and won the majority of the Palestinian parliamentary elections and ousted the ruling Fatah Party headed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. However, Abbas refused to give in and Abbas outlawed HAMAS. HAMAS won the election by claiming that Abbas was the puppet of US and have received much funding and had enriched himself and let the Palestine's people suffer. When HAMAS won the election, Israel feared that HAMAS will influence the FATAH party to join forces and attack Israel, so Israel imposed an economic blockage on Gaza as HAMAS repeatedly launched rockets into Israel from Gaza. Perhaps you should know that in just a few months , infighting between the FATAH party and HAMAS resulted in many more deaths ( account varies from various sources ) than Israel did in the two weeks of the invasion into Gaza.

So you see, Israel has the right to defend itself. The people of Palestine are to blame. You elect a party that all hell bend to remove Israel...what can you expect?? You live in a glass house and you throw stones at your neighbour who owns a rock are only finding problems.

Now, 1.1 Million of the 1.4 Million population in Gaza are dependant on handouts of food from the outside world. The economy are in ruins after 1.5 years of economic sanctions . 80% of the people are living on less than $2 a day. UN, US and most countries are helping BUT the money does not reached the people. There are claims that the FATAH party siphoned out money for themselves whilst other claimed that HAMAS stole money for their arms. So now NGOs in Malaysia ask us to contribute money for the Palestinians. I ask who in Palestine will receive the money ? A wounded child or one who is going to be a suicide bomber ?

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