Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aren't there any good men left ?

I believe that there must be some good men and women left in the Public sector~ be it the Police Force, the government and even in MACC. For a peace of mind, quit now and if you are brave, tell all about the corrupt ways of your colleagues. But fear and repercussion are not easy to overcome.

Let me tell you a true story. There was this honest cop, a high ranking officer that one day, due to his diligence and that of his men, arrested some big gangster bosses in Johor. He found evidences and wanted to press charges. His superiors, being partners with the gangsters immediately ordered this honest cop to withdraw his report and get all the gangster bosses released but he refused. Guess what? The honest cop was charged with some corruption charges and when his lawyer came to defend him, he too was charged with tax fraud. In the meantime, the gangsters continue to enjoy a prosperous life of crime and contribute to the 30% or so yearly increased in crime rate in Maalysia.

This story can be found in the MalaysiaToday website. But then again, you may say that MalaysiaToday talked cock. But you shallow in whole all the bullshit that the Malaysian government says.

Now Najib after his pilgrimage ( not sure whether he went to meet GOD or the Devil ) decided to call for a Royal Commission on the death of poor innocent Teoh Beng Hock. BUT the Royal Commission is only to investigate and report on MACC's procedures on questioning suspects. Hello ??? After some months, they will say that procedures can be subject to abuse blab blab blab and we should be more humane and give the interrogators some time of from question and overtime pay. Hey..what about the witness, suspects or what have you in custody. Ohh..they are not under the that's another commission's baby.

In the meantime, some junior magistrate will conduct an enquiry or inquest ( little powers are given and this magistrate has his hands tied ) on the death of Teoh. If judges can be influenced by saying Anwar sodomized even a camel, what is there hope that the truth will be told. Don't ordinary Malaysian see that this are all a joke to the Government.

We must take drastic actions. Writing, blogging and speeches are now useless. We must either stone the MACC building or just not pay taxes. If all of us do that, we will cripple the government into submission. They surely cannot arrest all of us , can they ? Some may suffer more but how many can say that they have suffered more than Teoh or his family or his unwed wife or his fatherless child.

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