Monday, August 31, 2009

One Bullshit Malaysia

Our PM, Najib, the son of the 2nd PM of Malaysia is still harping about his OneMalaysia concept that basically equates all the different races of Malaysia as One with of course, the Malay or Bumiputra race at the top with special privileges but not as much as before. Will this work ?

I say..BULLSHIT. Yes, just a bullshit concept that wasted a lot of advertisement money as it will not work unless there are complete changes in the whole political, religious and economic scenarios.

By changes, I mean:

1.0 Disband all political parties under racial and religious lines. NO UMNO, MCA, MIC
and PAS.
Only multi racial parties are allowed.

2.0 Change the constitution that allows all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be
Heads of states and even the PM of the country

3.0 Discontinue with the Bumiputra concept as all Malaysians are rightful children of the

4.0 Allow more freedom of speeches and expressions but not along racial or religious lines
that can cause disharmony.

5.0 Revamp the Police, judiciary and legislative system so that opposition are not unfairly

It is a far fetched dream that any of the above will be done in my lifetime as the UMNO
government is not genuine to see the well being of all races taken care of but just their own.

So Merdeka means nothing to me. We have just achieved independence from the British but enslave by the UMNO corrupted crooks that viewed themselves as Lords of the Land.

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