Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aren't there any good men left ?

I believe that there must be some good men and women left in the Public sector~ be it the Police Force, the government and even in MACC. For a peace of mind, quit now and if you are brave, tell all about the corrupt ways of your colleagues. But fear and repercussion are not easy to overcome.

Let me tell you a true story. There was this honest cop, a high ranking officer that one day, due to his diligence and that of his men, arrested some big gangster bosses in Johor. He found evidences and wanted to press charges. His superiors, being partners with the gangsters immediately ordered this honest cop to withdraw his report and get all the gangster bosses released but he refused. Guess what? The honest cop was charged with some corruption charges and when his lawyer came to defend him, he too was charged with tax fraud. In the meantime, the gangsters continue to enjoy a prosperous life of crime and contribute to the 30% or so yearly increased in crime rate in Maalysia.

This story can be found in the MalaysiaToday website. But then again, you may say that MalaysiaToday talked cock. But you shallow in whole all the bullshit that the Malaysian government says.

Now Najib after his pilgrimage ( not sure whether he went to meet GOD or the Devil ) decided to call for a Royal Commission on the death of poor innocent Teoh Beng Hock. BUT the Royal Commission is only to investigate and report on MACC's procedures on questioning suspects. Hello ??? After some months, they will say that procedures can be subject to abuse blab blab blab and we should be more humane and give the interrogators some time of from question and overtime pay. Hey..what about the witness, suspects or what have you in custody. Ohh..they are not under the that's another commission's baby.

In the meantime, some junior magistrate will conduct an enquiry or inquest ( little powers are given and this magistrate has his hands tied ) on the death of Teoh. If judges can be influenced by saying Anwar sodomized even a camel, what is there hope that the truth will be told. Don't ordinary Malaysian see that this are all a joke to the Government.

We must take drastic actions. Writing, blogging and speeches are now useless. We must either stone the MACC building or just not pay taxes. If all of us do that, we will cripple the government into submission. They surely cannot arrest all of us , can they ? Some may suffer more but how many can say that they have suffered more than Teoh or his family or his unwed wife or his fatherless child.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Are we going to sit still and wait for another death

Are we going to sit still and wait for another death ?

Teoh Beng Hock was just a 30 year old man aspiring to serve his country one day. He was to be engaged the day before his sudden death to his fiancee that is now 2 months pregnant with his child. Teoh is now dead.

I can only guess and conclude that Teoh definitely did not kill himself and that is what the authorities don't want us to believe. The two heads of MACC, Datuk Ser Ahmad Said Hamdan and Datuk Shukri both claimed that MACC is not responsible as Teoh have been released from questioning. The officers of MACC questioned and probably tormented a person for more than 8 hours until 4 am in the morning and then released him so they as claimed. According to them, Teoh was so tired he decided to take a rest in the settee until he decided to take some fresh air and jump out the window.

Are we to believe them? Teoh was released and as such, no longer MACC responsibility. Show us the release letter . How can MACC not be responsible ? He was killed in their premises for damn sake. The culture of disowning responsibility by Heads of Government departments and from Ministers are common in Malaysia. Until the day they are sacked, they will continue to disown responsibility.

I sense that the people are all getting really angry and frustrated and at worst, they will take to the streets and throw stones at MACC buildings. I say it is about time. After all, MACC only serves as UMNO's agents somewhat like how the SS and Nazis served Hitler.

We must no longer sit still and watched all those who are brave enough to fight for us suffer in vain. We must do our part even though it means we too may suffer the same fate. If we all rise together, what can the Police, Army or whatever that UMNO do against 10 Million people ? Yes, at least 10 Million of us hate this government and this is not a small number. If this happened in Thailand or even Indonesia, the present government would have fallen long ago.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Malaysia future going backwards

The recent announcement by our Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Muhiddin that Science and Mathematics will revert back to native languages from English will set Malaysia back to the Dark Ages. The reason is purely political. To win more votes from the rural folks and the urban Chinese speaking Chinese. Noted that I did not say Urban Malays. I think most would like to see to maintain as an English taught subject.

Their reason given is very shallow like all decisions of the Government. There is negligible improvement when the subjects are taught in English. What happens when after another 6 years after the implementation and there is no improvement. Revert back to English? This ping pong policy of our Government destroy all confidence in most of us on the future of our children.
What the government should have done is to have English language schools or fully sponsored tuition classes to teach English in the rural areas. Get good English teachers from England. There are so many of them willing to work in Malaysia. I should know. I bump into so many of them in Phuket alone. They go there for 2 to 4 years, teach in private schools and enjoy their time diving. We can easily attract them to work in the rural areas of Pahang, Trengganu and Kelantan.

I am just an average Joe in Malaysia and cannot afford to send my children to fancy International schools but have to put them in National schools like most average Malaysians. I speak my Hokkien dialect fairly well but English better as I was educated in Christian Missionary school, La Salle. My children can hardly speak any Hokkien but that does not bother me. What is important is that they learn the languages that will offer them a better success in their future ie English and Mandarin.

I will vote out the silly people who wants to maintain or go backwards on their decision. I will even vote against Anwar Ibrahim. So what he has fought hard against the present Government? Adhoc policies to gain votes is not acceptable. In Malaysia, 70% of the votes from rural constituencies determined the composition of the seats of the government, so pleasing rural folks is more important to stay in power than pleasing the urbanites who fund the government in terms of income taxes.

Tulamben Dive report ~ June 2009

Tulamben Dive Report~ GOD ‘s Inaugural trip 19th to 23rd June 2009

I had the honor of leading GOD’s first trip out of Malaysia to the beautiful island of Bali.

I have done so many trips before but this being my first under GOD, kind of made me more apprehensive and I hope that all will go down well with the group of 7 divers whom I regard as “ The Magnificent Seven”. It was also nearly the two years ago that I first met these 7 divers when I brought them to Bali to Nusa Penida.

We arrived around 1 pm from Malaysia abroad the Malaysian airlines and the immigration was fast and within 10 minutes we were all out of the airport and on the way to Tulamben, some 2 hours away by road. On the way, we stop at a good Nasi Padang shop to fill our stomach. We arrived at Mimpi Resort, Tulamben which is regarded as the best sea front resort in Tulamben at around 5 pm. We all slept early that night in semidetached cottage rooms.

After a 7 am wake up call, we headed for breakfast ( 3 course selection ) and then walked over to the beach facing the most dived sites in Bali, the Liberty Wreck at Tulamben. The Liberty Wreck lie just 30 meters from the beach at depths of 5 meters to 30 meters.

It was a huge cargo ship which was sunk by torpedoes during the WWII and although the damaged vessel was brought back to the shore, a massive Volcano eruption from Gunung Agung in 1963 pushed back the wreck back to the sea to its current position. The wreck is scattered in several large chunks and there are several big holes in the hull where divers can swim through. The wreck is scattered about 100 meters on steeply sloping black sand.

Getting to the wreck is challenging for most of us who are not used to shore dives and walking on black gravel, stones and rocks. The trick is to wade in and don your fins when you are chest high in water. Better leave the regulator in your mouth as I experienced a near death incident because of this. More later.

The first photographic customer we met was the ghost pipefish. There was a pair at just 10 meters depth. Next was just a few bump heads feeding on hard coral. On a given day, you will see hundreds of bump heads as the wreck is their hotel. A school of about 100 jacks circle above the wreck and on approaching the wreck, I could understand why so many varieties of fishes lived or sheltered in the wreck which provides protection and a good breeding home. Nevertheless, a giant barracuda will suddenly dart in to catch unaware prey. I headed to 28 meters depth and to a particular gorgonian where there were 3 pygmy seahorses or Bargibant’s seahorses, Hippo-camous bargibanti waiting to be photographed. Engrossed in photography could catch you unaware with deco time and luckily my early years of “errors “ messages in my dive computer, made me more aware and all of us made it up safely with different stories to tell.

We did the second dive to the right end of our resort at The Coral Wall which plunges to “out of bound “ depth. There is a massive sea fan at the corner and along the slopes are nice colorful soft corals, sponges and a variety of fishes. We caught the glimpse of the rare comet ( Calloplesiops altivelis ), a beautiful fish with elaborate finnage and a false eye.

The last dive of the day was in front of our resort, the Coral garden. At 3 pm , the current was around 1.5 knots and ribbon eels of all ages ( black for young to the yellow for old ) can be easily found. We surfaced about 50 meters before the Liberty wreck, some 500 meters from where we went in. Coming out of the water and walking on slippery stones were no fun.

The second day we again did an early morning Liberty Wreck dive, followed by two dives at Seraya. Seraya is pure macro haven and is Bali’s answer to Lembeh.

We finished the day by doing a fourth dive at Alamanda which I consider the best dive site in the Tulamben area. The site profile was excellent which walls, little mounts, sandy resting areas and beautiful hard and soft corals. Good variety of fishes and nudibranches. This was our only boat dive.

The thing about Tulamben is that almost all the dive sites are shore dives so the right season to go there is important. Avoid the rainy period and period when sea is rough. Entering the water is one thing but getting out with high waves hitting your back and pushing you face down onto stones and rocks can be dangerous. Oh yes. My almost death drowning experience. I went into the water backwards and had just put on my fins and was watching the others coming in when I felt someone pushing me down into the water. I immediately inflated my BCD but in the struggle I could not find my regulator and I turned around underwater and realized that one of the divers was struggling and was climbing on top of me to keep afloat. I search for his inflator hose but there was no air entering his BCD. I managed to push my head out of the water and gasped a few breath of air. The dive guide managed to jump in and pulled the diver back to the shore.

I in the meantime was glad to be breathing and floating on the water with a fully inflated BCD. The diver panicked when he waded into the water and begin to sink when his BCD leaked. The slope steep sharply after just 3 meters from the shore. He also did not have his regulator on. Moral of the story, keep you regulator in your mouth. Less air for diving not important. Better to be safe. That happened on our second last dive and I am glad to say, after regaining his composure, the diver did the last dive on borrowed BCD. If he had skipped that dive, he may not have dived again.

We left the next day as we wanted to spend a relaxing night in Kuta and do some shopping and have some fine food. After dinner, we relaxed over a couple of drinks at Hard Rock Café where there was this 7 person band from Jakarta playing. They are very good and they played both my requested songs, Poker Face by Lady Gaga and Hotel California by The Eagles excellently. They will be coming to Hard Rock in KL in August and September. Catch them.

The next day, we boarded the 1pm flight back to KL.

Hammerhead John’s rating;

**** resort and food

***** divers

*** dive sites. We just didn’t like the shore diving

**** Overall package price