Sunday, March 16, 2008

Shark fin soup is not for you

I was so disgusted last night when I watched Astro Animal Planet on a detective series about Shark fin. More than 100 tonnes of shark fins are harvested each year from the sea and the manner that the sharks are caught and have their fins removed is so cruel. The sharks are first caught in a net, hooked up to a boat and the fins cut and removed whilst the shark is still alive. Then the whole shark is thrown back to the sea. The people do not care whether what species are the sharks and even whale sharks and the great whites are caught despite they being on the endangered species list. Most of these shark fins are sent to Taiwan and from there to China and Hong Kong, the biggest market for shark fins.

As shark population is declining, they are even catching baby sharks for their fins. There was one video clip of a Manta dragged onto the fish market and sold at just USD150. If I was there I would have been bizzared and killed all the fishermen.

I am trying to find out when that programme will be repeated and I will make copies and send it around. We must do our part, say "NO" to shark fin. Shark fin on its own is tasteless, has no nutritional value and even contain a lethal dose of mercury. I hope all those who eats shark fin dies of mercury poisoning.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How I wish to be underwater now..

God,please get thie Election over and let the good guys or gals win for once. The corrupt politicians must pay for their sins and all their properties and their relatives which are acquired by unlawful means during their dictatorship must be confisicated and given back to the people.
What a wish! Daydream boy for I do not see it happening.

A wish that most likely to happen to me is ...being underwater and see all the marine traffic pass me by. Pure fantasy. No toll. Me with my Bare wetsuit with a camera or video in hand snapping at all the macro stuff with an occasional pelagic be it a shark, manta or whale peepping over my shoulder.

I am going to Layang Layang at the end of this month with a group of really fun guys who works hard and play hard...sometimes drink too hard. I cannot hardly wait. You see, when you dive in places like Layang Layang which is in the middle of nowhere ( some 600km offshore of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ) you have no time to think of politics or problems back home. Your mind is just engrossed in what you will see, whether your air is going to run out, whether you have gone too deep or where are your dive buddies. No time for stuff like Bodohwi has lied to the people although when I return from my dive trip...petrol prices would have been raised to RM2.50 per litre. Then i just sell my car and dive more.

How I wish i was underwater now..........Hadi hadi where are you now?? Hazel????